With vacations, summer camps, and time off, Summer often brings changes to our fitness routines. Here’s a workout you can do from home or while traveling. If you don’t have dumbbells or kettlebells, try using a gallon (or half gallon!) of water for the row or a bottle of laundry detergent… get creative!
5 Tips for Getting Back to the Gym after a Long Break
5 Tips for Getting Back to the Gym after a Long Break
It’s been almost exactly a year since we were faced with the difficult decision to close the gym due to COVID-19. The Frequent Sweater sign at Artemis still reads “March 2020” as a little reminder. Its hard to believe its been a year – in some ways those scary first months seem so recent, and yet, when we look around, we’ve come a long way.
While none of us would want to live through this again, we have learned to adjust and figure out what makes sense for each of us and for our families. With the vaccine now we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we hope many of you will start to feel safe coming back to the gym.
We know getting back to the gym can feel challenging, and it can be easy to talk yourself out of it. We wanted to take a minute to address some of the concerns we hear most often, and let you know you are not alone!
Evaluate Your Expectations
“Oh, I’ve lost so much strength! I’m so far behind where I was.”
Take the First Step
One of the biggest challenges that clients express when they think about getting back to the gym after a hiatus is that they are scared of how much strength or aerobic capacity they may have lost. It can be difficult and feel disheartening to develop certain skills or strength and not being able to pick up where we left off.
Though a pandemic is not normal, it is still normal for training consistency to ebb and flow. Don’t get caught up in thinking about what you have missed. The most important thing is that you get started again so that you can feel your very best.
It Won’t be like this forever
Let’s be real: your first workout — and possibly the first handful of workouts back — will feel hard. You might feel out of breath and it may be uncomfortable. This is normal, and it’s important to remind yourself that the discomfort won’t be last forever.
Our instructors will be sure to help you pace your workouts to feel manageable. After a week or two of being consistent with movement, things will start to feel better. Getting over the initial hump can be the hard part, and might take some mental fortitude, but it’s temporary.
Give Yourself Grace
The first thing to do is give yourself some grace. Everyone pushes fitness aside at some point or another — whether they choose to, or are forced to — and you have the opportunity to jump back in now. That is all that matters.
Give yourself permission to ease back into things and take the pressure off yourself. Let your instructors know how you are feeling. Set yourself up for an easy win to build some success momentum which will help you get back to the gym again for your first session back.
Remember, the most important thing is that you move your body.
Set attainable goals
Be specific in your goals, and find ways to measure your progress. It can be as easy as go to the gym twice a week! Make sure the goals are attainable and are consistent with what you know you can do. When you achieve those goals, celebrate!
Recruit a Support Buddy
Everything feels a little bit easier when we have a support system to lean on. If you are feeling a little apprehensive about getting back into fitness, think about recruiting a friend or family member to come to Artemis.
We have missed you, and we can’t wait to welcome you back! We’ve been hard at work figuring out best practices and making changes to our programs. We are ready for you when you are ready for us!
Take your Workout on Vacation!
Going on vacation? Want to stay on track with your training and not give up the great gains you've made? We’ve got some simple suggestions for you – and they don’t require any equipment! Here's a quick workout that you can take with you on vacation.
First, remember to take a little time to warm up. It’s a great idea to use some of these movements while traveling to help get some of the kinks out if you’ve spent a lot of time traveling in cars or airplanes:
Roll you neck, shoulders and arms to loosen the joints
bird dogs
and jumping jacks
Once you are warmed up, here are 5 great exercises:
1. Push-Ups
from your toes, from your knees, or use furniture where you are to elevate the push ups. 3 sets of 10 each day.
2. 30-Second Planks:
Planks from knees, Side planks, planks with alternating hip slap or same side hip slap, Around the world (lift one arm out, then one leg, next leg, other arm –all the way around!)
3. Squats and/or Jump Squats:
Remember to drive through your heels, always be able to see your big toe. 3 sets of 10 each day
4. Burpees:
If you need to elevate, use available furniture. Remember don’t let you back sag! 3 sets of 10
5. Mountain Climbers:
Keep your back flat. 25 on each leg, 3 times each day
Remember, it's VACATION! Do something different or fun: biking, hiking, running stairs!? We hope you have a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing you when you're back in town or back in the groove.
5 Tips for Losing Winter Weight
It’s officially Spring and it’s a time of change, self-examination, and renewal. We’re all yearning to ditch the long jackets and bulky sweaters in exchange for lighter, fewer clothes. Many of us are thinking about how we’ll look when we change our look and may be dismayed at the extra weight we’ve put on over the winter.
Here are five tips for a healthy approach to weight loss:
Treat your exercise time as you would a doctor’s appointment, your child’s school conference, or anything else that gets coveted space on your busy calendar. You’re sure to have many things vying for your attention: your work, your home, your family and pets. By making exercise a priority for a healthier you, you’ll get the boost of energy you need to power through your to-do list. The best way to get into the habit of exercise is to make it a part of your regular routine.
If you want results, consistency is key! Our most impressive success stories have come from members who exercise regularly. Small changes over time add up to a lot and are the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Your consistency will be largely improved if you have a friend or family member to exercise with.
You will not “bulk up” by strength training. Excessive body fat makes the body bulky, not muscle. Visualize this: which weighs more, five pounds of feathers or five pounds of lead? Neither -- they both weigh five pounds -- but you're going to be looking at a whole lot of feathers. The same holds true for fat and muscle. Strength training increases your metabolism and burns more body fat than aerobic exercise alone.
It can be tempting to jump right in to a class and give it 110%, but like everything else at Artemis, we encourage you to make small, gradual changes. Go at your own pace and pay attention to your body’s cues. It’ll help prevent injuries and make you look forward to coming back another time.
The scale measures weight -- not overall fitness-- and it doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle. Muscle is denser than fat and tends to weigh more. There isn’t a magic bullet. It does take time to achieve fitness goals in a healthy way.
The bottom line is if you start exercising consistently, you will see results – in how your clothes fit, in how you feel, in your energy level. It does take time, but we’re in it for the end-game.¬¬¬
5 Tips to Getting Back to the Gym after Vacation
It’s no surprise that after a week of not cooking your own meals, staying up later than usual, and not getting your typical amount of exercise that your body can feel OFF. Here are some ideas to ease the transition back to the gym.
1. Don’t freak out!
Don’t rush home and jump on the bathroom scale or analyze the extra calories. If you change your eating habits for a week - or two - it’s not going to have a profound impact when you look at the BIG picture of your health. We all need times of rest and hope that you carry that feeling with you as you return.
2. Get Back to your Normal Eating and Sleeping Habits
We all know good nutrition and rest have a big impact on your energy level. What you may not know is that altering the time you eat your meals can also have an impact. The sooner you can get back to your normal diet and the times you're used to dining, the quicker you’ll start feeling more like yourself.
3. Don’t Overdo It
It can be tempting to jump right in to a class and give it 110%, but like everything else at Artemis, we encourage you to make small, gradual changes. Go at your own pace and pay attention to your body’s cues. It’ll help prevent injuries and even make you look forward to coming back another time.
4. Make an Appointment
Put an exercise class on your calendar. After time away, you’re sure to have many things vying for your attention: your work, your home, your family and pets. Exercise can help give you the boost of energy you need to charge ahead, plus you’ll sleep better at night. The best way to get into the habit of exercise is to make it a part of your routine.
5. Set Reasonable Goals and Keep at it
Our biggest success stories have come from members who exercise regularly and reasonably. Small changes over time add up.
Welcome back!
The Scale is a LIAR!
You've been exercising regularly – hard even! You’ve been eating well and you’re anxious to see what all your effort has to show. So you step on the scale and gasp in shock.
After all that hard work, you’ve gained two pounds. What is THAT about?
As a women’s gym, we know this story well.
We want to encourage you not to give up. Here’s why…
The scale measures weight -- not overall fitness-- and it doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle. Muscle is denser than fat and tends to weigh more.
Try to visualize this: Which weighs more, five pounds of feathers or five pounds of lead? Neither -- they both weigh five pounds -- but you're going to be looking at a whole lot of feathers. The same holds true for fat and muscle.
Sometimes, the scale can feel like a foe, because it often reflects small gains (in muscle mass) before showing substantial losses (in fat). Exercise helps you to burn off plump, fluffy fat cells, while building dense, compact muscle tissue, and you may seem to gain before you lose. So, instead of daily trips to the scale, use other means for judging the progress you are making.
Here are some great ways to judge your progress:
Your clothes don't lie! The "clothes test" is a great way for monitoring your weight. Use a consistent pair of jeans to judge your progress. The satisfaction of seeing your clothes become less snug, or shopping for smaller sizes, is far more rewarding than any number on a scale.
How do you feel? Chances are, if you've taken off weight and added muscle, you'll have more energy for your daily activities. And you'll definitely notice changes at the gym, where you'll have more stamina and strength. You might now be using heavier weights or doing more reps or be less winded during strenuous exercise. Take that as proof positive that you're making progress!
This is probably the best measure of your progress. When tasks like taking care of the kids or tending to the house no longer leave you winded, or you find you can function without always being tired, you know you're making strides to a healthier you. You don't need a scale to help you measure that!
If you want to lose weight, the best piece of advice we can give you is to start (or keep) exercising consistently. You WILL see results – in how your clothes fit, in how you feel, in your energy level. It does take time, but your efforts will pay off.
Balancing the Holidays and Fitness
The holidays are filled with fun, good cheer and a lot of treats! While we love the season and cherish the memories, this time of year can really present some challenges as we continue to strive to meet our fitness goals. There’s a saying we like: “it isn't what you eat between Christmas and New Year's that matters; it's what you eat between New Year's and Christmas." We have some simple guidelines to keep in mind as you find yourself wondering when you might get to the gym next or how you are going to resist the endless treats….
- Eat breakfast when you wake up.
- Eat every couple of hours to keep your blood sugar stable. This will help keep you from being in a fat-storing mode and ending up in a state of total starvation (which is when we tend to eat anything in sight no matter how bad it is for us).
- Have a protein at each meal. Even if you're having pancakes for breakfast, order an egg to go with them. You will feel full longer and keep your blood sugar stable.
- Drink water. Be sure that you are hydrated. Water also helps maintain a feeling of fullness and thus less eating.
- Try to get 8 hours of sleep. What greater gift can you give yourself or others around you than to be well-rested? You’ll feel good, need less caffeine, boost your immune system, and be happier!
- Reduce your stress by taking time to recharge and unwind. Go for a walk, read a book, gaze at the stars, play a game with the kids, or do whatever you find relaxing. Even 15 minutes a day will restore your sense of well being.
- Be thankful. This is a great time of year to start a gratitude journal or simply appreciate the abundance of your life. If you decide to take the holiday week off from exercising to be with family and friends, embrace that choice. Know that the rest of the year you eat and work out like a fit female, and after the holidays you'll get right back into your routine. Taking a break from it for a week can give you a renewed motivation to dive back into it when you return -- not a bad thing!
Happy Holidays from all of us at Artemis!
Don't Trust the Scale! Better indicators of healthy weight loss
You've been sticking to your new eating plan and exercising regularly, and you've improved your overall attitude about staying healthy and getting fit. Good for you! You're feeling great and proud of all the hard work and progress you are making. Then, you step onto the scale and find your motivation deflating. You can't believe it; after all your hard work you've gained two pounds! What's that all about?
Now before you go reaching for the Ben and Jerry’s or skip your next group, consider this: Stepping on the scale may not be the best way for you to assess your progress.
The Scale doesn’t tell the whole picture.
The scale measures weight -- not overall fitness-- and it doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle. Muscle is denser than fat and tends to weigh more. Try to visualize this: Which weighs more, five pounds of feathers or five pounds of lead? Neither -- they both weigh five pounds -- but you're going to be looking at a whole lot of feathers. The same holds true for fat and muscle.
Sometimes, the scale can feel less like a friend and more like a foe, because it often reflects small gains (in muscle mass) before showing substantial losses (in fat). Exercise helps you to burn off plump, fluffy fat cells, while building dense, compact muscle tissue, and you may seem to gain before you lose. So, instead of daily trips to the scale, use other means for judging the progress you are making. Here are some great ways to judge your progress:
Changes in Clothing Size and Fit
Your clothes don't lie! The "clothes test" is a great way for monitoring your weight. Use a consistent pair of jeans to judge your progress. The satisfaction of seeing your clothes become less snug, or shopping for smaller sizes, is far more rewarding than any number on a scale.
Increased Stamina and Strength
How do you feel? Chances are, if you've taken off weight and added muscle, you'll have more energy for your daily activities. And you'll definitely notice changes at the gym, where you'll have more stamina and strength. You might now be using heavier weights or doing more reps or be less winded during strenuous exercise. Take that as proof positive that you're making progress!
Improvements in Your Quality of Life
This is probably the best measure of your progress. When tasks like taking care of the kids or tending to the house no longer leave you winded, or you find you can function without always being tired, you know you're making strides to a healthier you. You don't need a scale to help you measure that!
Strength Training Won't Make You Bulky
One of the very best ways to lose weight and get fit is to strength train. There are all kinds of proven benefits for women who do strength training. But there’s a lot of conflicting information out there about fitness. When we start to talk about strength training for women, inevitably the question comes up: “If I lift too much will I get bulky?” or “I don’t want to use big weights, they’ll make me bulky or hulky”. Unfortunately, somehow the myth that women should use light weights and high reps to “tone up” got started, and this misinformation has become accepted.
This idea of getting bulky is a one of the biggest myths out there when it comes to women’s fitness. We want to reassure you: YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY FROM PICKING UP HEAVY THINGS! Instead, you will be lean, toned and fit looking. Just what you are after, right?
There are two main things to understand:
1) You know those familiar pictures of women (and men) who look like bodybuilders? They eat, train, and take supplements specifically to build their muscles to look like that! They have probably been working towards a goal of bodybuilding for years. It takes very specific training to look like that.
2.) When you pick up heavy things, your muscles get stronger (not necessarily bigger). Your brilliant body adapts to the demands made of it. If you pick up heavy things, and eat a caloric deficit (with the right kinds of food – actual healthy food) your muscles will get stronger and denser. You will burn the fat on top of your muscle, and you will get that toned look you are looking for. You will notice that you are able to do things (like walk up and down stairs) without getting out of breath, etc.
The Right Way to Strength Train:
We often hear that women have been told strength training is important, but not what KIND of strength training. Often, women are told to lift smaller, lighter weights with higher repetition counts.
Here’s an explanation of what happens when you do this. Some of you may already be familiar with the term muscular hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is just the scientific term for increasing in size or volume. There are two different types of muscular hypertrophy.
Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is the kind where fluid in your muscles called sarcoplasmic fluid (which makes up 25-30% of muscle size) increases. This type of hypertrophy is responsible for an increase in muscle size, but not necessarily an increase in muscle strength. You’re more likely to achieve this type of hypertrophy from lots of repetitions with lighter weights. Light weights = increase in size! Believe it or not, bodybuilders do tons of this kind of work.
Myofibrilar Hypertrophy describes the enhancement of the muscle itself. Myofibrils are the contractile component of your muscle responsible for strength. With myofibrilar hypertrophy you are increasing the number of myofibrils and their counterparts in your muscle, making you stronger, but not necessarily bigger. This is achieved with lower repetitions and heavier weights. Overall, this is the best way to get toned and get fit.
The End Result? Longer, leaner muscles.
In addition to NOT making you the female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger, lifting heavier weights increases your metabolism, allowing you to BURN MORE FAT! Simply put, this is because the harder your body has to work, the more “disturbed” your metabolism gets. In this case, disturbance is a good thing! See you in the gym for some good old fashioned disturbing!
3 Reasons Self-Guided Diets Fail
Have you ever wasted time and energy and money on fad diets, weight-loss gadgets, meal plans, or trendy exercise routines only to figure out that they don't work in the long-term and sometimes they even make you feel WORSE?! You're (obviously) not alone. 98% of self-guided "diets" fail.
3 reasons:
- You try to change too much too fast, get overwhelmed, and give up.
- You develop an all-or-nothing mentality, and it's too stressful to sustain.
- Consistency to exercise and nutrition is key – jumping from program to program, diet to diet just confuses your body.
You might be feeling tired or discouraged of being on a vicious cycle of losing muscle, and re-gaining fat, and losing muscle, and re-gaining fat every time one of your "diets" or exercise trend fails. Or maybe you just feel like you don’t where to start to make meaningful changes.
The good news is that we offer something different. Artemis is a gym that focuses on consistency and fun while supporting you in your fitness goals. It is possible to feel great, get the results you're looking for AND enjoy the process. Sure, it takes effort. We don’t try to pretend it doesn’t. But we work WITH you to find a way of making healthy habits to enhance your life. We find a way to help you make the sustainable changes over the long-haul so you don't get burned out and feel like giving up because it's too hard.
Find out about our 30-day Trial Training Package!
Iron Woman Weightlifting Series
Personal Trainer Jenn Weiss Demonstrates the barbell deadlift. It's a preview to her upcoming Iron Woman Weight Training Series. Check it out!
Eight Reasons to Strength Train
We thought it was a great time to review WHY we think Strength Training is so awesome and worthwhile.
8 Reasons to Strength Train
- Increased self confidence:
Carries over to life. Emotional, physical, mental confidence will help you in everything you do.
- Build the Body You Want:
You can tone your body, shed weight and feel better in your own skin. Myth: you will NOT bulk up strength training. Excessive body fat makes the body bulky not muscle. You will increase your metabolism and burn body fat by strength training. REPLACE 10 POUNDS OF FAT WITH MUSCLE AND BURN 25-30 CALORIES EXTRA PER DAY WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING ELSE.
- Set positive goals for yourself:
Easy to do when you strength train. Set goals to improve your performance in the gym. Don’t go with the goal of burning calories. Set yourself up to do one more pushup or to lift a heavier weight. This will create strength training as a lifestyle habit and keep you motivated as you watch your progress. Think only about beating your previous workout and not competing against anyone but yourself.
- Health Benefits.
We probably all know exercise relieves stress in a positive and productive manner. Did you know that exercise: reduces high blood pressure by approx. 40%, lowers the risk of colon cancer by 60%, lowers the risk of breast cancer by 50%, lowers the risk of Alzheimers by 40%, decreases depression as effectively as Prozac or Behavioral therapy.
- Lead by Example:
There is a shortage of positive role models for women. Training for strength, improving your health, and becoming the best possible you is a great way to teach the generations behind us. Show them women are physically strong.
- Other methods such as fad diets, gimmick exercise machines, don’t work.
Get real results by using your muscles and your body in a healthy way.
- Prevent diseases such as Osteopenia and Osteoporosis:
Doing load bearing activities helps prevent conditions such as these.
- Bring out the best YOU.
Our job as trainers is to bring out the best you. Each woman has their own strengths and abilities. Some women are good at some exercises, some at others. Be strong in your own right and see what is inside of you.
Just Show Up!
Welcome 2015! It’s the time of the year where we are all starting anew and looking to make changes in ourselves or our lives for the better. For many of us it is at the gym but for many others it is at home or elsewhere in order to make it easier to get to the gym for some ‘me’ time. When it comes to the gym we have an incredible staff of caring people who are here for you in complete support of any and all of your goals. But it does not happen without YOU! How many times have you gotten up on a given day knowing that you have an appointment booked or an intention to go to a group and then done everything in your power to try to talk yourself out of going? You may not even get the chance to pull the covers off of your body as you lay there telling yourself…
- Wow this bed feels so good!
- Why is it still Winter?
- I can sleep for 5 more minutes and then get right up
- I can skip today and get back on it tomorrow
Yeah right! We get it, this is an issue that we are all faced with on a regular basis but it is not a reason to be defeated. Surely you can skip just one little day and be fine right? Not so fast my friend! The problem is that one day turns into 2 and 3 and 5 and before you know it you haven’t been to the gym in a few weeks. Now you don’t want to go back at all because you know that everyone you haven’t seen in that time will surely want to know where you’ve been. We know it’s a little unusual, but at Artemis, we really do care, and we really do want to help you meet your goals.
We are faced with so many decisions in life on what to do with our valuable time but no matter what each day gives us life is more often than not so much better if we Just Show Up! No matter if it is at the beginning, middle or end of your day, making it into the gym for a good workout is always a good idea. Beyond the physical & physiological benefits, getting to the gym puts you one step closer to achieving the goal that at some point was pretty important to you. So this year lets not only make goals but not give up on them. The best way to get this done is to… Just Show Up!
Make Yourself a Priority
It is easy to get swept up and forget to keep ourselves as a priority. Do you ever have trouble with this? Here are a few daily rituals and strategies that we think can help:
1. It's okay to say NO
The busier you get the more connected you'll get and the more opportunities you'll have. Always evaluate if the opportunity is something that will get you closer to your goals. Be selfish and look at how saying yes will benefit you. How will you leverage this opportunity to work for you? If you say YES to something, remember you are saying NO to something else. You only have time for so much, and by taking on a new commitment ask yourself what are you giving up - is it your own time for your workout or downtime? Is it time away from your family?
2. Plan ahead
I have always been a planner and believe this is one of the biggest secrets to keeping your sanity. You have to plan ahead and put yourself on a schedule. Your workout time, your downtime, your reading time, even your running errand time – plan it all! Every Sunday night take time to plan out your week as best you can. Don’t forget to plan time for you - there should be a few non-negotiable items such as workout time. Give yourself time to regroup and take care of YOU.
3. Get off the grid
Find some time during your week to cross off your schedule - and have no appointments, no phone calls, and no meetings. Give yourself some time to spend doing things that are important to you - reading, visiting with family & friends, doing something active, or going on a getaway with your husband. Having this downtime gets you re-energized for "Go" time again.
People are counting on you. If you don't take time for yourself you won't have as much to give to everyone else in your life.
"Take care of you for me and I'll take care of me for you." - Jim Rohn
Permission Granted! Be Selfish! Stay focused on your goals and enjoy the journey.