5 Tips for Getting Back to the Gym after a Long Break
It’s been almost exactly a year since we were faced with the difficult decision to close the gym due to COVID-19. The Frequent Sweater sign at Artemis still reads “March 2020” as a little reminder. Its hard to believe its been a year – in some ways those scary first months seem so recent, and yet, when we look around, we’ve come a long way.
While none of us would want to live through this again, we have learned to adjust and figure out what makes sense for each of us and for our families. With the vaccine now we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we hope many of you will start to feel safe coming back to the gym.
We know getting back to the gym can feel challenging, and it can be easy to talk yourself out of it. We wanted to take a minute to address some of the concerns we hear most often, and let you know you are not alone!
Evaluate Your Expectations
“Oh, I’ve lost so much strength! I’m so far behind where I was.”
Take the First Step
One of the biggest challenges that clients express when they think about getting back to the gym after a hiatus is that they are scared of how much strength or aerobic capacity they may have lost. It can be difficult and feel disheartening to develop certain skills or strength and not being able to pick up where we left off.
Though a pandemic is not normal, it is still normal for training consistency to ebb and flow. Don’t get caught up in thinking about what you have missed. The most important thing is that you get started again so that you can feel your very best.
It Won’t be like this forever
Let’s be real: your first workout — and possibly the first handful of workouts back — will feel hard. You might feel out of breath and it may be uncomfortable. This is normal, and it’s important to remind yourself that the discomfort won’t be last forever.
Our instructors will be sure to help you pace your workouts to feel manageable. After a week or two of being consistent with movement, things will start to feel better. Getting over the initial hump can be the hard part, and might take some mental fortitude, but it’s temporary.
Give Yourself Grace
The first thing to do is give yourself some grace. Everyone pushes fitness aside at some point or another — whether they choose to, or are forced to — and you have the opportunity to jump back in now. That is all that matters.
Give yourself permission to ease back into things and take the pressure off yourself. Let your instructors know how you are feeling. Set yourself up for an easy win to build some success momentum which will help you get back to the gym again for your first session back.
Remember, the most important thing is that you move your body.
Set attainable goals
Be specific in your goals, and find ways to measure your progress. It can be as easy as go to the gym twice a week! Make sure the goals are attainable and are consistent with what you know you can do. When you achieve those goals, celebrate!
Recruit a Support Buddy
Everything feels a little bit easier when we have a support system to lean on. If you are feeling a little apprehensive about getting back into fitness, think about recruiting a friend or family member to come to Artemis.
We have missed you, and we can’t wait to welcome you back! We’ve been hard at work figuring out best practices and making changes to our programs. We are ready for you when you are ready for us!