Just Show Up!

Welcome 2015! It’s the time of the year where we are all starting anew and looking to make changes in ourselves or our lives for the better. For many of us it is at the gym but for many others it is at home or elsewhere in order to make it easier to get to the gym for some ‘me’ time. When it comes to the gym we have an incredible staff of caring people who are here for you in complete support of any and all of your goals. But it does not happen without YOU! How many times have you gotten up on a given day knowing that you have an appointment booked or an intention to go to a group and then done everything in your power to try to talk yourself out of going? You may not even get the chance to pull the covers off of your body as you lay there telling yourself…

  • Wow this bed feels so good!
  • Why is it still Winter?
  • I can sleep for 5 more minutes and then get right up
  • I can skip today and get back on it tomorrow

Yeah right! We get it, this is an issue that we are all faced with on a regular basis but it is not a reason to be defeated. Surely you can skip just one little day and be fine right? Not so fast my friend! The problem is that one day turns into 2 and 3 and 5 and before you know it you haven’t been to the gym in a few weeks. Now you don’t want to go back at all because you know that everyone you haven’t seen in that time will surely want to know where you’ve been. We know it’s a little unusual, but at Artemis, we really do care, and we really do want to help you meet your goals.

We are faced with so many decisions in life on what to do with our valuable time but no matter what each day gives us life is more often than not so much better if we Just Show Up! No matter if it is at the beginning, middle or end of your day, making it into the gym for a good workout is always a good idea. Beyond the physical & physiological benefits, getting to the gym puts you one step closer to achieving the goal that at some point was pretty important to you. So this year lets not only make goals but not give up on them. The best way to get this done is to… Just Show Up!